Regular Hours:
- Sunday: 12:30 - 5:30 PM
- Tuesday: 10:00 AM - 5 PM
- Friday: 10:00 AM - 5 PM
- Alternate Hours by Arrangement
Tour Rates:
- GH¢ 3.00 per person
- Reduced rates for groups
Tips for Travel to Duasidan:
- Schedule at least 30 minutes for travel each direction from Duasidan to Dormaa.
- Your tour involves a short walk into the forest and will last less than one hour.
- Guides do not necessarily know english, however they can call monkeys to the grove.
- Arrange for your taxi to wait or arrange for the taxi to return to pick you up at a certain time. Taxis pass through Duasidan very infrequently.
- Cell phone signal is very weak in the area, plan accordingly.
- Bring drinking water and food for your group, and if you wish to, bring bananas, peanuts and/or crackers to feed to the monkeys.
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