
Donations can be made through Michigan Technological University and will go to development of Duasidan as a tourist site.  This may include developing and printing marketing materials, rebuilding the visitor center, or other activities as the community sees fit.  Thank you for your generosity!

Here's how to donate:

1) Click on the link below:

2) Check the fourth box to direct your Gift to the Pavlis Institute (Ghana Group, Duasidan Monkey Sanctuary). See the picture below:

3)  Complete the remaining information in the form and finish by pressing "Make Your Gift to Michigan Tech"

By Mail 
1) Make out a check to the order of Michigan Tech

2) The memo should read Pavlis Institute (Ghana Group, Duasidan Monkey Sanctuary)

3) Mail to the following address:

The Pavlis Institute for Global Technological Leadership
1400 Townsend Drive
722 M&M Building
 Houghton, MI 49931

Any and all donations are truly appreciated!  Thanks for your continuing support!

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